NPUK family conference and interactive Workshop
I am very excited to be able to attend the UK annual Interactive Workshop on Niemann-Pick Disease that will take place on Friday 21st...

EuroScience Open Forum in Toulouse
ESOF 2018 – Sharing Science: Towards new horizons​ From 9th to 14th July 2018 I attended the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) and the...

How to Succeed in Getting an Individual Fellowship?
On 8th June 2018 I partecipated in a meeting organised by TUBITAK which was basically an info day about Marie Curie Actions with...

Monitoring Visit
On 7h June 2018 I had together with the other Turkish-based MSCA-IF a Monitoring Visit with two EC officers (Gaetano and Giuseppe). It...

Science is fun!
On 16th May I met with a class at the Italian seconday school and again on 21st May 2018 with another class of the high school of...

In Tokyo for the 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium
From 27th to 30th April 2018 I attended the 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium in Tokyo - Japan. What an experience! More than 100...

Inside the Simit
Today I gave a seminar at the chemistry department of Istanbul Technical University by the title 'Inside the Simit: A tale of...

Getting started!
So, my grant agreement is finally signed! I'm really excited that this is all coming together so smoothly. I feel I have to thank SO MANY...

What are cyclodextrins?
See my book chapter with prof John Spencer on Cyclodextrins in Medicinal Chemstry